LDAP für Java-Entwickler

Take advantage of IBM Tivoli Directory Server's LDAP Controls via Java and JNDI

Subtree deletion, password policy and more

Dieser Artikel von Stefan Zörner ist ursprünglich bei IBM developerWorks erschienen.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005, mit freundlicher Genehmigung


Controls allow the LDAP protocol to be extended without changing theprotocol itself. This article provides information about some important controlsimplemented by IBM Tivoli Directory Server. It describes what controls are,and presents the API portion of JNDI which deals with them. With the help of examples, starring the Tree Delete Control and the Password Policy Control, it demonstrates how to employ controls in arbitrary Java components using JNDI.


  • Artikel als PDF-File (t-ldap-controls.pdf, 451 kB)
  • Beispielquelltexte zum Artikel (Java, LDIF) als ZIP-File (t-controlSamples.zip, 12 kB)